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Petal Primer Yoni Serum keeps the delicate tissues of your Lady Garden toned, and resilient. This organic elixir can also be used to tone the yoni daily or weekly. Also, great during pregnancy to prepare body and spirit for the great passage of birth.
Petal Soother Yoni Serum is a cooling elixir that calms and tones intimate tissues in the days and weeks following the passage of birth or after any interruption in the usual habits of the yoni. This fabulous serum is the perfect panacea to pacify redness and dryness.
Petal Passion Yoni Serum satiates the skin and balances the beauty of your yoni. Attend to the delicate tissues of your Lady Garden with the pure, nourishing, and organic oils found in this harmonizing, toning daily serum. Petal Passion Yoni Serum is perfectly tuned to the frequency of love!