Sorry for the strange title… in the west, this is called Tahini (the paste itself is called that) but in the Middle East, where this originated, it’s called Tchina. Whatever it’s called, it’s yummy, easy to make and is one of the best sources of calcium out there.
You can read my article about why to stay away from milk here and it will show you where to get the best bioavailable sources of calcium. Tahini is one of the best places to find it.
3 tbsp tahini paste
Quarter cup purified water
5 tbsp lemon juice
Half tsp Himalayan salt
Half tsp garlic salt
Quarter tsp paprika
Small handful fresh or dried parsley
Drizzle extra virgin olive oil
Spoon the tahini paste into a medium size bowl (it gets quite messy so you may want to make it in a separate bowl to the one you’ll be serving it in), then add the water and mix really well. You will see it go from a weird texture to smooth quite quickly and it will become much more pale. If it still seems quite thick (it should be relatively runny) then add some more water; gauge it for yourself. Then add the rest of the ingredients and mix well.
Taste to see if it needs more of anything and add to your taste. Transfer to a smaller bowl.
Great with other dips and salads (have a look on both those pages on the blog for more ideas) and with bread or crackers.
Love & health,