Saffron Spiced Porridge (Hot or Cold)

It’s funny, you can take some spices and make them work with any dish, sweet or savoury. Saffron and cardamom are two of those. I think because both Indian and Moroccan cooking use a lot of these spices in their savoury food, we become used to it.

In terms of health benefits, saffron is a super antioxidant and also holds large amounts of magnesium and potassium – great for anyone, anytime, as we’re all very deficient in these two minerals nowadays due to the very low soil quality we now see, which sees it lacking in the trace minerals that used to naturally occur in the soil, and therefore filter into our food, and subsequently into our bodies. I will write a post soon about the importance of magnesium and the best way to get it, as I’ve been talking about it lots recently and have had a few requests for more information.

In the meantime, I just wanted to do a simple post with this delicious and, believe it or not, simple breakfast. You can either heat it all together (apart from the toppings) and have it hot, or you can soak it all overnight like I did and have it cold. Right now London is sweltering and I’m 6.5 months pregnant so all I want are cold foods! Served warm, this will be really nourishing in the early days of breastfeeding.

You really can add anything you want but I used spices and toppings that I feel compliment saffron. I hope you enjoy it as much as we did!


1 cup organic rolled oats
1 cup almond milk (or any other preferred milk)
1 tsp maple syrup (or any other preferred sweetener)
1 tbsp ground flax seeds (optional but a great way of adding omega-3)
1/2 tsp saffron threads
1/2 tsp ground cardamom
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

Optional toppings:
Crushed pistachios
Pumpkin seeds
Few saffron threads
Few granules of bee pollen
Goji berries


Simply heat all main ingredients (not toppings) together in a saucepan, or mix and leave in the fridge to soak overnight, then top with preferred toppings when ready to serve.

Love & health,


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