I often get asked about which supplements or other wellness-related products I recommend, so I put together a list of the ones I like or that I always talk about, so that you can have trusted brands already picked out for you:
Amrita Nutrition – Quicksilver Binder detox support, Quicksilver AMPK Metabolism support for fat loss, Quicksilver NAD+ Gold, Quicksilver liposomal vitamin D, Seeking Health MTHFR products for general and pregnancy, Dr Hisham’s holistic dental care, Pure Encapsulations, Rosita Extra Virgin Cod Liver Oil
Use practitioner code 63T091 for 10% discount
Intelligent Labs – Magnesium products & probiotic (MagEnhance & Women’s, Kid’s & Adult Probiotic, as well as many other products).
Use code LAUREN15 for 15% discount through my practitioner account
Nutriadvanced – Vitamin D, Vitamin B12, Zinc, Eskimo Oil Fish Oils (and many other products)
For 10% discount, register as ‘Patient (seeing a Healthcare Professional)’ on the Nutri Advanced Website and put in my practitioner number: C000101476 under ‘Find your Health Professional’. You have to create an account first.
Zooki – Liposomal Vitamin C, Vitamin D with K2, Collagen
Use code LAUREN20 for 20% discount
Udo’s Choice (Savant Health) – Omega Oils, Probiotics and Udo’s Greens – my fav to add to smoothies
Udo’s Choice are pioneers in the wellness industry with their work with fats and oils, and were the first company to create an age-specific probiotic line and to add unrefined plant-based DHA omega-3 to their oils. I particularly love Udo’s Oil Blends, their probiotics and I’m obsessed with Udo’s Greens to add to smoothies
Use code LAUREN20 for 20% discount or click the link above and it will automatically add the discount
Cytoplan – High quality supplements
I love Cytoplan for their brilliantly formulated supplements. Their cell-active glutathione is my go-to for cell protection and mitochondria support, as well as their many other wonderful, bio-available supplements
Use code CYT162028-35-10 for a 35% discount off your first order. You’ll only have to enter the code once on your account and you’ll get 10% discounts for all subsequent orders.
Nadovim – NAD Nootropic Brain enhancement, hormone support and anti-ageing
Use code LAURENV for free shipping from US
Nadovim is the only non-prescription supplement to provide NAD+ along with specific ratios of proven brain-friendly natural ingredients that have been shown to improve cognitive function. Designed to keep your brain sharp for the long term, Nadovim both replenishes and preplenishes the brain with key metabolites and nutrients required for optimal brain performance.
BetterYou – Large range of transdermal magnesium sprays and oils
Use code LAUREN10 for 10% discount
Advanced TRS – Heavy Metal Detox for adults & children
Use code LVTRSUK for £2.50 discount
On its own, your body has to go to a lot of work to neutralize and remove toxins, if it is able to remove them at all. For example, lead and mercury are notoriously difficult to remove. And as a person’s body becomes more toxic with heavy metals, it becomes less able to remove them.
Zeolite (Clinoptilolite Zeolite), the active ingredient in Advanced TRS, facilitates your body’s ability to extract harmful toxins. As zeolite is inert in your body, your body does not recognize it as anything out of the ordinary. However, heavy metals, radioactive elements and other toxins are extremely attracted to the cages-like structure of the zeolite molecules. In addition, Zeolite will exchange its healthy negatively charged minerals for any positively charged toxins in your body. Because zeolite uses nanotechnology and is encapsulated in water clusters, it will go anywhere in your body water can.
This is particularly effective for children with conditions such as ADHD, which may or may not have been caused by heavy metals, as well as children whose diet isn’t sufficiently providing them with enough nutrients (like my own son who has ARFID!)
I give this to both my children to help their bodies effectively detox the effects of modern life
Trace Minerals Research – Trace minerals MegaMag, Concentrace, magnesium oil, colloidal spray, glucosamine and many other products – all to replace trace minerals.
Use code LAUREN15 for 15% off (sometimes they’re not stocked in the UK so if it doesn’t work, check above for Amrita Nutrition who always stock trace mineral liquids)
Live In The Light a one-stop-shop for cruelty-free and natural skincare, make-up and other products. Some of my favourite brands here are Living Libations (Best Skin Ever, dental care and oils), Carina Organics (shampoo and conditioner), Fat & The Moon (great baby products) and AnnMarieGiovani (high-end skincare).
Use code LAUREN15 for 15% discount
Urban Veda cruelty-free and natural skincare. I love their day and night creams and face oil particularly.
Use code LAUREN15 for 15% discount
Wild Refill cruelty-free, aluminium-free, natural deodorant.
Use code CONDITION for 20% discount
Curable – chronic pain app
Use link getcurable.com/reconditioned for 50% discount
Megahome Water Distiller – the only countertop distiller to remove hormones as well as toxins
Use code CONDITION5 for 5% discount
Block Blue Light – blue light blocking glasses and lighting solutions
Use code LAUREN10 for 10% discount
Omnos – at-home genetic and functional testing including Genes, Hormones, Envirotoxins and Microbiome tests and now also blood tests
Use code LAUREN10 for 10% discount
Groundology – Just click that link for 10% off grounding mats and earthing sheets
Biochef – Slow Masticating Juicer
Use code LAUREN5 for 5% discount
The Vortex – Smaller Shungite Products for EMF protection
I use their shungite bracelets, phone stickers and pyramids to put around the house to mitigate the effects of electromagnetic frequencies from WiFi
Use code LAUREN10 for 10% discount
Somavedic – I highly recommend this product for intense EMF protection for the home or office, protects cells of the body from electromagnetic frequencies including 3G, 4G, 5G, WiFi and electricity. Brings water back to life
Use code LAUREN10 for 10% discount
Click the link for EMF protection bed canopies
Harmoni Standing Desk
Click on the link above to get £10 off a Harmoni standing desk – the desk I use every day and one of the things I attribute to my productivity. Alternatively, go to https://uk.harmonidesk.com/ and use code LAUREN10
Edi Spirits – My personal non-alcoholic way to unwind! Spirited Euphoria by the Endorphin Dealer Institute (Edi) is the world’s first non-alcoholic distilled spirit crafted from natural hemp and CBD. Spirited Euphoria won’t intoxicate you, but will help you to unwind. All thanks to its molecular blend of naturally uplifting active ingredients, including hemp, nootropics and ancient adaptogens. Spirited Euphoria is only 2 calories per serve, sugar free, carb free, gluten free and vegan. Alcohol-free doesn’t mean joy-free.
Click link or use code LAUREN10 for 10% discount
Sensate – For help with anxiety, relaxation, or to deepen meditation: Sensate is a palm-sized mechanism that uses infrasonic therapy to help your body’s nervous system recover from daily stresses, by combining audible and tactile resonance to deliver immediate calm and build stress resilience over time, by stimulating the vagus nerve.
Use code LAUREN20 for £20 off the standard price
Four sigmatic – I recommend their 10 mushroom blend and their mushroom elixirs
Floradix Kindervital
Eskimo oil fish oil (above in Nutri Advanced)
Vitamin D with K2 (also Nutri Advanced)
Ionbiome kids
Pukka elderberry syrup
Article Recommendations
Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny
Please note, though I may earn commission from brands recommended, I never allow this to influence my selections. The products are recommended because I have used the products myself and trust them. None of these products were from brands who approached me in the first instance to promote them. I approached them based on my trust of the product.