Quantum-Touch is a method of energy healing that uses very specific breathing techniques and body awareness exercises – to create a powerful, yet natural, field of healing energy. When the practitioner holds a high vibrational field of life-force energy around an affected area, this inspires the body’s healing process and creates a rapid healing response.
There is no physical manipulation in Quantum-Touch. Only the lightest, most gentle touch is used.
Quantum-Touch is a method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy of the body to promote optimal wellness. Life Force Energy, also known as “chi” in Chinese and “prana” in Sanskrit, is the flow of energy that sustains all living beings.Quantum-Touch teaches us how to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits with surprising and often extraordinary results.
Quantum-Touch is a highly effective method for reducing back pain, realigning structure, balancing organs, glands and systems, reducing muscle aches, healing injuries, healing burns, and so much more.