Essential Oil-Infused Himalayan Salt Scrub

himalayan salt scrub

Don’t we all need to make an effort to put more time into our self-care this year, especially as busy mums? I know I want to have more salt and oil-infused baths, maybe treat myself to a hair cut more than once a year and perhaps even paint those nails! But I’m starting with this. I’m so obsessed with my @doterra essential oils as many of you know. Frankincense, with its amazing healing and anti-inflammatory properties, was honestly the thing that got me through my postpartum arthritis flare. Since discovering frankincense, I’ve added to my collection and I diffuse them every day, as well as using the oils for creams, toothpaste, soaps, sprays, perfumes and a whole range of other stuff.

If we can pamper ourselves without it costing a fortune, and in a way that nourishes our bodies and eliminates toxins, surely we owe it to ourselves 🙂

Just the act of rubbing itself stimulates blood flow and can help reduce cellulite, and by exfoliating we help nourish our skin. With the additional ingredients we are just adding to the health benefits offered here.

Let’s talk about all the ingredients…

Himalayan salt

Himalayan salt is rich in minerals and trace elements, like calcium, magnesium, and iron. When consumed it can help to eliminate toxins, balance electrolyte and pH levels, strengthen bones, and support circulation to name a few things. In this scrub you’re nourishing your skin with all of the minerals and trace elements of the salt.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and high in Vitamin E – just what the skin loves!

Magnesium flakes

It is widely thought that we are all a bit deficient in magnesium. By adding magnesium flakes to our beauty regime (in a salt bath and in scrubs) we are promoting greater energy, more relaxed muscles (and stronger connective tissues), better sleep and improved mental function. Magnesium can help reduce or eliminate headaches, improve arterial health, offer better reproductive function, and better hormonal balance for men and women (and help reduce PMS). A winner all round, really.

Sweet almond oil

Sweet almond oil can help dislodge debris from deep within skin pores and follicles, and may also help prevent future acne because of its vitamin A content. I use it after my cleanser every evening. Feels nice too!

Roman chamomile

This amazing, ancient essential oil is known for boosting skin health, so is a no-brainer when deciding what to add to salt scrubs, but it also has some other incredible benefits:

  • Fights Anxiety and Depression.
  • Serves as a Natural Allergy Reliever.
  • Helps Alleviate PMS Symptoms.
  • Reduces Symptoms of Insomnia.
  • Supports Digestive Health.
  • Promotes Heart Health.
  • May Relieve Arthritic Pain

It also helps the nervous system so for people like me who have neuralgic symptoms (in my jaw and face generally, a result of all the years of arthritis pain), it is a great option. I diffuse it in my room most nights.

As you can see, the composition of this salt scrub can help in many ways. By having a bath of Epsom salts and essential oils, and scrubbing with this, you will notice the benefits almost immediately.


1 cup Himalayan pink salt
1 tbsp magnesium flakes
2 tbsp coconut oil (melted)
1 tbsp sweet almond oil
7-10 drops Roman chamomile essential oil


Simply mix all the ingredients together in a bowl then transfer to a glass jar.

Use a spoon sized amount to exfoliate into face.

Love & health,

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