What is Healy?
A wearable frequency specific microcurrent (FSM) device, for personal at-home use. It has a quantum sensor which can scan your bioenergetic field and then deliver the exact frequencies you need to come back into balance, in body, mind and soul.
How does it work?
Everything is energy. Even though we perceive our physical world as solid matter, when we break it down to the atomic level we realise that every atom is 99% “nothing”. That “nothing” is energy. Every type of cell in your body (e.g a stomach cell or an eye cell) is made up of atoms that vibrate at a specific frequency – it is this vibration which causes those atoms to manifest as that type of cell. By sending this specific frequency into the body we initiate the natural internal process of regeneration and repair – any cells out of alignment with their natural frequency (and therefore in a state of disrepair or disease) will entrain to the correct frequency, thereby returning to their optimal function. The same is true for the more subtle aspects of the self – the energy body and soul.
What sets Healy apart?
The quantum sensor! In addition to the scan function, once you start running a program the sensor interfaces with your bioenergetic field every 10 seconds, testing which specific frequencies are most resonant for you at this moment. It then uses this information to determine which frequencies within the range of frequencies contained in the program, which has a specific purpose, will be most beneficial for YOU in achieving that purpose. Healy is the only product on the market with this capability.
Please use this link to purchase a Healy, or contact Raine Dunn if you’d like more info raine@rainedunn.com
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