Guest Blog: How Do I Know if I am Vitamin-Deficient?

A lovely chap called Josh Wardini recently got in touch with me. Josh is Editorial Contributor and Community Manager at Webmastersjury and he kindly sent me the document his organisation had created regarding the optimum amount of vitamins and minerals for humans and I was instantly bowled over by it. One succinct, easy-to-read, easy-to-understand document in one place that can help absolutely anyone understand how to get their vitamins. It is such a wonderful resource that I asked Josh to write a guest blog for me. Here it is, with the link to the resource below…

How Do I Know if I am Vitamin-Deficient?

Does your skin seem to bruise easily? Do wounds seem to take a long time to heal? Or are you always tired but never seem to be able to get a good night’s rest? It could be, in the first two instances, that you are not getting enough Vitamin C.

In the second instance, it could be any number of vitamins that you might be deficient in. Or even that you are not getting enough protein in your daily diet. This is where good supplements come into play.

They can provide a boost and ensure that you get enough vitamins on a day to day basis. True, it is better to get these by eating food, but it is very difficult to do so today. With high powered lifestyles, it is easy to skip meals, or eat the wrong things. Many people these days rely on meal delivery services like Blue Apron to supply them with healthy meals that can be easily prepared even if you’re on a time stretch, which definitely helps if you don’t want to overdo it with supplements.

How do you know if your supplement is all it is cracked up to be? Read through our cool infographic below and see what the minimum daily requirements for each vitamin are. Also included is a listing of how to source the particular vitamin naturally and what the signs of deficiency are.

Everything you need to know about vitamins is presented to you in one easy-to-read package. You will find out if you need to give Mother Nature a little help through supplementation and, if so, exactly how much help you need to give. You can find the document right here.

Understanding these concepts fully makes it possible for you to improve your health and vitality naturally.


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