Best EVER Cacao Recipe (Sacred Hot Chocolate)


I cannot tell you what a big part of my life this plant medicine is!

Not only do my husband and I have a cacao every single Sunday night (as one of our relationship rituals – listen to us talk more about this on this episode of Reconditioned), but I also prepare and serve cacao at every single workshop or event I host. including gatherings of my own girlfriends at my house (I now think they mainly just come for that! 🙂 )

It may seem like “just hot chocolate”, but organic, ceremonial cacao is sacred plant medicine that directly impacts the feminine and has been used as an offering in South America for thousands of years in groups of women, in order to deepen the connection to one another.

It is planted and harvested with the energy of love, and those of us preparing it go on to give gratitude for those who planted and harvested it, and we serve it with equal high vibrational energy, thereby enabling us to raise our vibration as we imbibe it, and allowing us to reach higher states of consciousness and more expanded states of awareness and creative expression as a result of the energy present in this medicine.

Cacao also connects us more deeply to our feminine power, allowing us to unlock our full feminine potential and step into our worth. So for those hoping to step more deeply into their feminine, cacao is a fabulous tool.

Also, it’s bloody delicious and this recipe makes it particularly indulgent! The key really is in the blending so don’t skip this part!



1 mug-full almond, oat or any other good quality plant-based milk
2.5 tsp raw cacao powder
1 tsp cashew butter (here’s a recipe for my homemade cashew butter which really makes this the creamiest cacao you can imagine, but any other nut butter will do)
1 medjool date

Optional extras:
Drizzle of agave or maple (optional, depends how sweet you like it)
1/2 tsp maca powder (optional, just adds even more health benefits)
1/4 tsp vanilla powder (again, optional!)
2 drops doTERRA Lavender, Peppermint or Wild Orange essential oil (Wild Orange is my ultimate fav)


I find the best way to get this super frothy and creamy is to add all the ingredients (except for the essential oils) to a blender first, give it a good whizz, then put it in a saucepan and heat gently until hot but not boiling, stirring often.

At the very end add the essential oils and mix, then pour into your mug, sit back, and enjoy the ultimate masterclass in guilt-free indulgence and self-care!

Love & health,

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